​Part ​4​: ​​How to ​Maximize
Your ​​​Jump Training Results

​As a hockey strength and conditioning coach, my goal is simple:

Produce strong, fast, powerful, injury-resistant athletes in as little time as humanly possible.

Besides lifting weights and sprinting, ​our primary tool for building faster, more explosive ​guys is jump training.

I know ​that's ​far from a groundbreaking approach. Practically every hockey player looking for a boost in their skating uses some form of jump training in their off-ice workouts.

However, what I'm about to share with you ​​throughout the rest of this article ​could be called ​GROUNDBREAKING INFORMATION. It's information that very few athletes or coaches are privy to.

Before I tell you HOW to ​arrange your jump training efforts ​for maximal results, I’​ll explain the ​WHY behind ​it. 

If you know why you're doing something, you can remember it better.

Let's start with ​science-based conclusions on optimal jump training methods and ​strategies for athletic performance.

​Having read thousands of research papers on all things strength and conditioning, I know scouring through a bunch of scientific papers can cause your eyelids to droop faster ​than​ chugging a handful of sleeping pills.

Don't worry.

​What follows is ​NOT an academic research paper capable of producing a ​powerful knockout effect akin to sparring a round in the ring with Mike Tyson.

I have condensed important findings from the scientific literature into this short recap below:​

  • ​​Systematic jump training is a viable method for hockey players to ​increase explosive power which translates into improved acceleration, speed, and even skating endurance on the ice. [1, 2]
  • Low to moderate training ​frequency (1-2x/week) generates ​​bigger jump and ​speed gains than high-frequency training (4x/week)​. [​3]
  • Low-volume, high-intensity jumping leads to greater improvement in reactive ability than high-volume, low/medium-intensity work​. [​4]
  • Jump training focusing on proper technique and body mechanics can help ​reduce the incidence of serious injuries - especially ACL injuries so prevalent in sports today. [​5]

​T​hese findings make it clear that in order to maximize your results ​from jump​ training, it needs to fulfill ​the following four key requirements:

​1. ​​Quality: High

​2. ​Intensity: High

​3. Frequency: ​Low/moderate​

​4. ​Volume: Low/moderate 

​I know what you're thinking...

Yes, all that research is great.

But how ​can ​​YOU ​apply these ​study findings in your own training for explosive speed gains ​- starting today?

That's the real question here.

And one you'll find the answer to next.


#​1. Quality ​speed/power training is a highly neural activity.

#​2. You don't need ​a ton of volume​ to make great progress. ​​

Less is more.

#​3. Athletes fail to maximize their ​results from jump workouts because they ​do too much low-quality work, too often.


[1] Lockwood, KL & Brophey, P. The Effect of a Plyometrics Program Intervention on Skating Speed in Junior Hockey Players. The Sport Journal. 2004; 7(3):184-201.

​[2] Henriksson, T et al. Laboratory- and field-based testing as predictors of skating performance in competitive-level female ice hockey. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016 Aug; 18(7):81-88.

[​​3] de Villarreal, ESS et al. Low and Moderate Plyometric Training Frequency Produces Greater Jumping and Sprinting Gains Compared with High Frequency. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research​. ​​​2008 May; 22(3):715-725.

[​​4] Goss, Kim. The Forgotten Secret to Jumping Power. Retrieved from: http://www.biggerfasterstronger.com/uploads2/08_OctSep_JumpingPower.pdf. ​​Accessed: June 2​1, 2018.

[5] Nessler, T et al. ACL Injury Prevention: What Does Research Tell Us? Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine​. 2017 Sep; 10(3):281-288.​​​